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Equity & Inclusion

Our Mission

To transform the educational system in Central Point to eradicate the predictability of student success based on students’ social and cultural backgrounds, explicitly related to race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity.

If we develop capacity in every leader to demonstrate unequivocal belief in the success of ALL students and eradicate systemic barriers, then student successes will not be predicted by student subgroup membership​.

Our Equity Lens

We, in CPSD6, are committed to supporting all students. We strive not to discriminate against any student based on race, religion, culture, family income, sexual identity, gender, educational ability, or mobility.
Understanding that every student’s culture is influenced by a variety of circumstances, we are committed to applying an equity lens for any decision made at the district, school, and classroom level. The goal of this equity lens is to provide equal access for ALL students. Equal access applies to resources, instruction, guidance, support, connectivity, and curriculum.

It is expected that the use of the following equity lens will bring awareness in decision making to avoid perpetuating systemic assumptions and biases which would continue to marginalize underrepresented populations. These questions will inspire conversation and motivate us to consider new ways in which to be more inclusive in decision making. It is our goal to empower each individual to grow to their full potential.

Below are the questions which make up the equity lens and a worksheet for the decision-making process.

  • Does the proposed decision align with district goals to allow access to all students and recognize that all students have the same value?
  • Does the proposed decision perpetuate or eliminate disparities in historically marginalized groups? Can members of these groups be included in the decision-making process?
  • What cultural assumptions, both positive and negative, are the decision-makers bringing as they consider the ramifications of this decision?
  • Are resources being distributed equitably among all affected populations?
  • Would a different decision take the needs of underserved populations into account in a more effective way?
  • By implementing this decision, are we establishing a precedent that will be sustainable in equity and inclusion, or are we continuing the status quo?


CPSD6 Educational Equity Policy (JBB)

ODE - Every Student Belongs