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Physical Education & Health Curriculum & Standards

Being physically literate is a fundamental and valuable means to maximizing a person’s potential to succeed in all aspects of life. Physical literacy is one of the most controllable factors of a person’s overall well-being. It is a critical skill that empowers students to become successful and productive members of society. The physically literate student will demonstrate mastery of the following:

  • Competence and confidence in motor skill and movement patterns
  • Application of health-related fitness concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
  • Maintenance of physical fitness or progress towards physical fitness through participation
  • Responsible personal and social skills in individual and teamwork tasks
  • The value and desire to engage in physical activity as a lifestyle

CPSD6 Health Education Vision

Our vision is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed, healthy decisions throughout their lives. By graduation, D6 students will understand the importance of physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness and how these dimensions are interconnected. They will develop the ability to build healthy relationships, set personal goals, and navigate challenges with resilience and empathy. Equipped with essential life skills, students will know how to maintain safety, advocate for themselves and others, and access reliable health resources.

To achieve this vision, structures within all schools, kindergarten through 12th grade, will be inclusive to support adequate Physical Education and Health skill development for all students in accordance with state law. Appropriate accommodations, modifications, adaptations, and support for all learners are also required in order to create a fully inclusive classroom environment.

Physical Education & Health Standards/Priority Standards