The Central Point Elementary Report Card has been developed to communicate with parents, families, and students about the performance level and progress toward Oregon Content Standards in the following Core Content Areas: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Health& Physical Education (PE), Spanish Reading (TWI only) and Spanish Writing (TWI only).
Grades reflect the student's current level of performance or progress for content taught during that specific trimester. Please contact your child's teacher for more information or questions regarding the grade level content standards.
When thinking about proficiency grading, imagine a student hiking to the top of a mountain that represents an end of year target. At the mid-way point through the school year, teachers will be sharing information with you about the distance they have travelled toward the mountaintop (or the target), as well as the rate at which they are progressing.
Core Content Area Grading Key
The academic mark reflects proficiency in the areas of Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Health& Physical Education (PE), Spanish Reading (TWI only) and Spanish Writing (TWI only).
Academic Mark of E - Exceeds Standards: Student demonstrates an advanced understanding of concepts, skills and processes taught in this reporting period. Exceeds the required performance.
Academic Mark of M - Meets Standards: Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of concepts, skills, and processes taught in this reporting period.
Academic Mark of N - Nearly Meets Standards: Student is not yet consistent in demonstrating an understanding of concepts, skills, and processes taught in this reporting period.
Academic Mark of D - Does Not Meet Standards: Student does not demonstrate an understanding of grade level concepts, skills, and processes taught in this reporting period. Student is performing significantly below grade level expectations.
Academic Mark of U - Unable to Assess: See teacher comments.
Career-Related Learning and Arts Standards
Career-Related Learning & Arts standards reflect knowledge and skills essential for students to succeed in education, employment, family and community life.
Independence and Initiative
- Seeks assistance when necessary
- Safely follows routines and procedures without supervision
- Accepts responsibility for own behavior
Work Completion and Work Habits
- Completes tasks and assignments on time and with care
- Uses time efficiently
- Organizes and manages work efficiently
Cooperation and Participation
- Participates in and contributes to class and group activities
- Listens to understand without interrupting others
- Respects the rights, ideas, opinions, and property of others
Career-Related Learning and Arts Grading Key
Academic Mark of M - Meets Standards: Student consistently meets expectations.
Academic Mark of NM - Nearly Meets Standards: Student is not yet consistent in demonstrating expectations.
Academic Mark of NI - Needs Improvement Meeting Standards: Student does not demonstrate expectations and improvement is needed.
Academic Mark of U - Unable to Assess Standards: Music and Art only. See teacher comments.
Teacher Comments are provided for each quarter.