Our LGBQTSIA Grant provides strategies to work toward addressing educational and mental health needs of LGBTQ2SIA+ Students. The plan addresses:
• specific LGBTQ2SIA+ youth experiences;
• a research review and state policy challenges; and
• a summary of three interdependent levels of recommendations: individual intention and impact, institutional policies and facilities, and state accountability and support systems.
Domain 1: Individual Intentions & Impact
● Supportive Educators
○ Professional development
○ Social, Emotional Support for staff
○ Teacher preparation programs
○ Inclusive teaching practices
● Supportive Peers
● Supportive Families
Domain 2: Institutional Policies and Facilities
● Safer Affirming Spaces
○ Facilities and activities (K-12 & higher ed)
○ Access to mental health supports
○ Increase visible LGBTQ2SIA+ support
○ Anti-discrimination & anti-bullying policies
● Inclusive and Affirming Curriculum
Domain 3: State Accountability and Support Systems
● Create School Climate Survey for Students, Educators, and Administrators (ODE & OHA)
○ All districts participate in the survey
● ODE Capacity to Support Districts & Families
● Cross-Agency Collaboration