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Facility Use & Rental

Community Use of Central Point Schools District Facilities


All Faciliy Use applications must be submitted to the school building you are requesting to use. Applications should  NOT be submitted to the district office.

When space is available, individuals and community members may apply to reserve District facilities. The requested times may not interfere with the Central Point School District instructional programs, student athletics or activities and school-related groups.

All facility use is reserved by completing a Facility Use Agreement and turning this agreement into the school office of the building you are requesting to use.

Please consider the following when requesting use:

  • Facility use is only approved if there are staff available to support the rental.
  • We are not an event center. We have limited elementary and middle school gyms, cafeterias, and fields available for rental. The space is rented as is.
  • Any organization using CPSD6 facilities must have a current certificate of insurance on file. This certificate must list Central Point School District 6 as an additional insurer and have a minimum of $1,000,000 liability coverage. For more information please visit the Basic Insurance Requirements page.
  • Persons and/or organizations using CPSD6 facilities are advised that the district assumes no responsibility for injuries and/or accidents which occur while on D6 property, unless the result of negligence on the part of the district.
  • There will be limited use of .equipment such as microphones, projectors, podiums, special lightning, extra chairs, or tables. In the event of "excessive damage", a fee will be determined according to the repair or replacement costs.
  • Food may only be served and eaten in the cafeteria.
  • All approved rentals are required to have CPSD6 personnel on site, such as a building monitor and/or a custodian.
  • The requester will be invoiced following the event for rental fees and staffing costs.
  • We will not approve any events during school closures, holiday periods or long weekends.
  • During the weekdays, events at elementary schools must end by 8:30pm and events at middle schools must end by 9:00pm. All participants must be out of the building by this time.
  • Saturday and Sunday events must end by 6:00pm. All participants must be out of the building by this time.
  • A request must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks before the event to be considered.
    • Insurance will be required for approval.
  • The Crater Performing Arts Center is available when not reserved for school sponsored events and productions.
  • Bouncy Houses and Water Slides are not permitted.
  • Some district facilities are not available for use or rental June 1st through September 30th due to school and district sponsored activities and events.

After School Enrichment:

Programs will run from October 1st to May 31st. Reservations for the fall term will be accepted beginning July 1st. All events must end by 4:00pm.

The school year will be divided into three terms and you will reserve use by term:

  • Fall - October through December
  • Winter - January through March
  • Spring - April through May

District Closures: When the District is closed for inclement weather, all facility use is cancelled.

Families are welcome to use elementary and middle school playgrounds, fields, tracks, and paths after in-person instruction and do so at their own risk.

High School Turf fields and gates will remain locked and secure when school is not in session and when district staff are not present.

If you are looking for an on-leash or off-leash dog park, has many options. You may find a list HERE. 

Questions regarding fees, invoices, online payments, policy and procedural issues should be directed