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Financial Report/Audit

Each year, the Business Office produces an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30.

The purpose of creating this yearly report is to uphold the financial credibility and reliability of the Central Point School District. Our responsibility involves guaranteeing the adherence to dependable internal and budgetary controls in he District's everyday functioning.

Management within the District has put in place an extensive internal control system. This system aims to safeguard the District's assets from loss, theft, misuse and ensure the collection of adequate, trustworthy data for the formulation of the District's financial statements. These statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and relevant legal mandates. Each year, an independent and licensed certified accounting firm conducts an audit of the Central Point School District's financial statements.

Central Point School District Audit 

The Superintendent and district leadership are responsible for the effective and efficient administration of Central Point School District.  This responsibility includes sound financial management, timely reporting, maintaining an effective system of internal control, compliance with applicable rules and regulations, and maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct.  The School Board directs the Superintendent in these matters through adoption of the budget and establishing Board Policy.

To aid in fulfilling these requirements, the District has established an Audit Committee.  The Committee shall promote, maintain, and enhance the independence and objectivity of the internal auditing function of the District by ensuring broad audit coverage, adequate consideration of audit reports, and appropriate action on recommendations.

District Contacts

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Audit)

2022-23 Audit Financial Statement

2021-22 Audit Financial Statement

2020-21 Audit Financial Statement

2019-20 Audit Financial Statement

2018-19 Audit Financial Statement

2017-18 Audit Financial Statement

2016-17 Audit Financial Statement

2015-16 Audit Financial Statement

2014-15 Audit Financial Statement

2013-14 Audit Financial Statement